December 16, 2015
Wednesday, 1:00PM

      A great masterpiece that I created back in 2002 as a 17 year old in high school has now been remastered in 2015 as a 30 year old husband, nurse, and father of four. Times changes but greatness does not. I worked upon this remastering project off and on for the last five months. The song is a 9 minute 17 second classical piece of music that is intended to be a soundtrack of sorts to my unfinished novel Remorse Nothing More. The remastering also includes small amounts of arrangement.
      In the near future, expect to see more orchestral work. This remastering went well and it has motivated me to continue improving in this genre. Being busy raising a family, working, and being sick recently have been recent deterrents.
      I continue to work in Labor and Delivery as a Registered Nurse. It is going very well. This Christmas will prove to be a really good one. We have already prepared good gifts for our children and for the parents (of course!). We are getting a Christmas tree today and finishing up shopping tomorrow. I hope that all of you out there have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! May God grant you many years!

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June 8, 2015