037 Slap Bass 1
027 Electric Guitar (jazz)
000 Drum Set
Story Behind the Music
      People sidestep the conversation once the words "September 11th" come up. 3,000 people are dead because of an immature anger towards those more fortunate. Cowards in the face of freedom attacked us and they have no sorrow. It was and is a tragedy that such an event occured to our great country, The United States of America. This song was written on September 11, 2001 in response to this tradgedy.
      The musical idea is very simple and is a little repetitious. I dwelled upon the fact that many people died at the hands of terrorists and it was reflected in the song. The instruments were used to be loud and strict, a representation of revenge. There are also points in the song, though, that ring the tone of freedom. It's an emotion provoking song and it means a lot to me.